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Friday, September 30, 2022

What Is Keeping Your Cat from Using the Litterbox?

If you have recently discovered that your cat, or cats are acting leery of their litter box, there could be plenty of different reasons why. Well will go over some and learn how to get them back to peeing where they should.

Sometimes, cats who are not using the litterbox like they used to be, is simply because it is not clean. You probably already know that cats are exceptionally tidy animals, and even if you think the litter box is clean, it may not be to them. Many cats are put off by odors, whether strong to you and I or not. They have sensitive noses, and only want to eliminate somewhere they deem sanitary enough. What you can do as a fur parent, is ensure the litter box is scooped or changed regularly, be certain the litter you use is not overly saturated with urine, and clean the box completely as needed. Cats can be turned off by strong smelling cleaners too, so you may need to use something that is fragrance free. They have enzyme-based cleansers that are extremely effective, and often the smell dissipates quickly.

Could Fear be Keeping Your Cat from Using the Litterbox?

The fear your cat might be showing as avoiding the litter box could stem from his or her fear of the box itself, or of the place where the box is situated. If your cat associates a certain spot in the house with an unpleasant or traumatic experience, it could cause your cat to mess outside the litter box. Cats have good memories and will associate the litter box with the incident long after the 'danger' is gone. If simply moving the box is not an option, there are ways to help your cat overcome his or her fears.

  • Use positive reinforcement, such as treats and petting to help your cat relax in the room where the litter box is located.
  • There are attractants that will help lure your cat to the litter box that can are useful in overcoming the cat's fears. If you have recently gotten a new litter box, there could be something about the box that is frightening him or her.
  • Make sure that while the box is in a place that grants your cat some privacy, the area is also well-lit and warm.
  • Accompanying your cat partway to the litter box can help your friend to feel more secure. The need for this will diminish as the cat's confidence grows.

Most cats who develop a fear their litter box because of past trouble in the area can be helped to overcome this with patience and kindness. Never punish your cat for messing on the rug or behind a chair, it will only make the animal more nervous and less likely to use the litter box in the future.

To learn proven techniques to stop cat spraying for good Click Here.

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