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Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Is Your Beloved Furry Family Member Suffering with Arthritis?

 Having arthritis is a real pain in the joints for people like me. My live has been forever altered, due to reduced movement, stiffness, and horrific pain at times. I can only imagine how difficult it must be for pets. Unlike people, pets can't tell us where or how it hurts. When your best friend is in pain, all you want to do is make it go away. You don't want your pet to be hurting, ever, and when you can tell they are suffering, it is excruciating when you have no idea how to fix it for them. Vets can give you plenty of options, but most are medications with varying side effects, not to mention, outrageously expensive most of the time. Trying to find relief for your pet may seem like a battle you can't win. However, there is a way to help your babies feel better without drugs or side effects. The cost is reasonable as well.

I know how bad arthritis can be, I have suffered with it most of my life. When I saw my older Lab struggling to sit up or even get up from the floor, I knew I had to do something. My heart broke for him, because I knew all too well what he was going through. I took him to the veterinarian of course, only to be met with limited options, and an extremely high bill. I simply couldn't afford it, and besides, everything I had tried that was recommended, didn't seem to be doing much except causing more exhaustion for him and making him sick. I didn't want to give my dog drugs, especially ones that were not helping. I started to do research and came across a different way to help him feel better. I didn't know if it would work, but I was pretty much out of options. 

Since I have been taking CBD oil for my own arthritis pain and knew what a wonderful difference it has made it my life, I wondered if there was CBD for pets. I found Plus CBD Oil for pets and decided to check them out. It turns out, their CBD oil is safe, strong, and backed by science. In short, it works, and it works naturally, without drugs or expensive treatments. The cost is fair, and I don't have to worry about side effects or expensive vet visits. If you friend is in pain, give it a try, and your pet will get his pep back, and you will be assured that you are giving your pet the best. 

The Plus CBD Oil for pets comes in yummy drops your friend is sure to love like peanut butter and chicken. Vets recommend CBD Oil for pets, and Plus CBD Oil Pets is the greatest relief you can give your best friends. It works for more than pain too, since it helps with your pet's mood and anxiety from strange places, noises, trips, or anything else which may upset your pup.
Don't make your pet suffer for one more day: Plus CBD Oil for Pets

Stainless Steel Pet Water Fountain

Why is stainless steel pet water fountain important?

Pet water fountains are an excellent way to bring fresh water to your pet and keep her hydrated. The quality of water drawn through the fountains can influence your pet's overall health. Many animals, including humans, suffer from dehydration. Some diseases, such as viral infections, are more likely to strike as a result of low water intake. A healthy, hydrated pet is more likely to make good decisions and have fewer behavioral problems.

What to Look for in a Stainless-Steel Water Fountain

Stainless Steel Water Fountains are made from stainless steel, and are therefore very durable, easy to clean, and will last for years. One of the things to look out for when purchasing a stainless-steel water fountain is the lifetime warranty. Some manufacturers offer a 3-year warranty, and others a 5-year warranty. Some water fountains also come with a warranty guarantee if a repair is needed after a period of use. These guarantees make it easy to feel confident when purchasing a water fountain from a brand you trust. Some of the things you will need to consider before purchasing a stainless-steel water fountain include, Stainless steel durability, Easy to clean, long-lasting warranty, water flow rate, and any others you deem necessary.

3 Reasons Why Your Pet Should Drink from a Stainless-Steel Fountain

Your pet will appreciate the freshness and taste of clean water. Water is essential for proper hydration and health. Water contains elements necessary for the proper growth and function of every biological organism, from the smallest hair cells to the largest animals. Water is necessary for everyday activities such as; brain function, muscle movement, digestion, skin hydration, and even rehydration after exercise. When your pet is drinking filtered fountain water, he or she is drinking enough water to maintain a healthy body and mind.

The stainless-steel water fountain is a great addition to any outdoor space. It is durable, easy to clean, and can be placed in almost any environment. The filtered, fresh water from the fountain is great for your pet, as it prevents boredom and gets your pet's attention when she desires it. There is no doubt about it; the stainless-steel water fountain is the perfect indoor and outdoor drinking fountain.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

How to Stop Itching in Dogs

 The incessant itching that some dog's exhibit not only drive them crazy, but their owners as well. Sometimes, finding the cause is rather simple, but other times, it can be quite a mystery. Some of the best ways to stop itching in dogs are:

The first culprit that causes dog's skin to itch like crazy are fleas of course. If your dog has fleas, or even a flea, if they have a sensitivity to the flea saliva, they will often scratch like there is no tomorrow. My white Chihuahua is a prime example of this. If she gets bit even once, she will scratch, bite and lick until her hair falls out and her skin turns bright red, sometimes even bleeds. All dogs will scratch when they get bit, but for sensitive dogs, it is a nightmare.

 Checking for fleas is the first step to discovering why your dog is always itchy. If fleas or flea eggs are found, do your best to eradicate them, and buy a good flea control product, such as Frontline or Simpirica. Simpirica was the only one that worked for my Chihuahua, but since all dogs are different, you might have to try a few before finding the one that works best for your situation.

 Often, flea control products which used to work like a charm aren't as effective anymore, since fleas are now becoming resistant to the pesticides used. This can further complicate the problem with fleas and leave you with falling out hair! If you find nothing really seems to be working, consult your vet, or try natural flea control products. Some, like apple cider vinegar, don't kill fleas but rather repel them. Unfortunately, the smell can repel more than fleas, so it is not a solution for everyone. 

Allergies can be another reason dogs never stop scratching. They can be allergic to a myriad of things, including, shampoo, laundry detergent, even their food! Since it is extremely difficult to determine exactly what is causing your dog to itch if it's not fleas, your vet might try a medication that is especially designed for constant itching. It seems to work wonders but is rather expensive. You can ask your vet for more information if you are curious. 

Seasonal Allergies- Just like us, dogs can have allergies during certain times of the year. Many times, it is in parts of the country that see extreme weather changes but is possible all over the globe. I live in the South, and my dog definitely itches more during the changing of seasons, no matter what I do. Using natural remedies like oatmeal and coconut oil can soothe and hydrate your dog's skin, leading to at least temporary relief. It can be maddening watching your pup scratch, bite and lick all the time, and all you want is to help them. While you can find countless remedies online, if none seem to quell the itch, your vet may have the answer.

Contact Dermatitis-Just like us humans, dogs can suffer contact dermatitis as well. This is an allergic reaction to something that comes in contact with their skin, like detergents, soaps, even pollen. It can be an almost impossible task to weed out the culprit, but there are many products that can at least soothe your dog's itch for a while. 

Luckily, there are now many options when it comes to stopping the itch when you dog's skin is on fire. Natural remedies can be a good first step to dealing with the madness that is constant scratching. Give some a try, and if they are not effective, or not effective enough to keep you and your pup from going insane from the itch, consult your vet for expert advice.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Turn Pet's Photo into 3D Engraved Crystal Art

 Christmas is fast approaching, and the question everyone always asks is, "What should I get them?" If you have pet owners in your life, this is the exact gift they have been waiting for. I know, because I want this too! My animals are an exceptionally important part of the family, and most pet owners feel the same way. Imagine the joy they will feel when they see their favorite pet's picture turned into mesmerizing 3D crystal art? 

It will give your loved ones a real, beautiful reminder of their furry friend for the rest of their lives. I can't think of a greater gift for pet lovers than these one-of-a-kind crystal art frames of their best friend. Some of the features of this amazing gift are:

  • Stunning personalized gift for pet lovers

  • Professional 3D picture engraving and your choice of text etching 

  • Simply pick a favorite picture of your cat, dog, fish, bird, horse or any animal you love, and we will turn it into a true crystal work of art!

  • Loving way to display, gift, or remember our beloved companions.
  • Sizes start from small and go all the way to XXL. Whatever size you need, you can find it here.

Order yours now, so there is time to make and ship it before Christmas!

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