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Saturday, October 29, 2022

All Cats Are Awesome

 Why All Cats Are Awesome

If you didn't know already, cats are exceptional creatures. Due to them being more independent than dogs, some people have the misconception that they are not loyal or loving. This is NOT the case. While every single cat has his/her own personality and quirks, the majority of domestic cats are extremely loving and caring. I have yet to meet a cat who didn't have some form of affection for those who take care of him/her.

In case you didn't know already, I absolutely adore cats. Right now, we have 12. It seems I cannot turn an animal in need away, therefore our cat family has grown. I have them neutered/spayed as soon as I can but being disabled with little to no income makes it tough.

 However, I am slowly but surely getting each one taken care of, so as not to add to the multitudes of cats on the planet whom no one wants. I would gladly take them all, if possible, but sadly it is not. No matter how many cats I have, each one is loved and cherished. I love each and every one of them, and they have their own little weirdness that is nothing short of adorable for the most part.

 Even now, when one of the furry babies are stepping on my laptop while typing, I still love them dearly. After all, they only want my attention, who can blame them?

My dream since being a child, was to have a giant animal farm, where I could take in all of the animals out there who don't have a loving home. I wouldn't care what type of animal it was; I would take them all. Without somehow winning the lottery or some other unrealistic event, I know this probably will never happen. I just feel bad that there are so many animals out there not taken care of, and so many people who have the means to help but don't. I know not everyone feels the way I do about the Earth's creatures, but still. Why buy a fancy jet when you can save hundreds of animals? Why go on expensive vacations when you could get shelters for animals living in the cold? If I ever became rich, that is what I would do. But for now, I am doing as much as I can to insure at least some of the creatures on this weary planet have a protector.

Not just cats are awesome though, every animal is AWESOME!

Books about Animals I Love: Signs From Pets in the Afterlife
                                                The Amazing Afterlife of Animals

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