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Saturday, October 29, 2022

All Cats Are Awesome

 Why All Cats Are Awesome

If you didn't know already, cats are exceptional creatures. Due to them being more independent than dogs, some people have the misconception that they are not loyal or loving. This is NOT the case. While every single cat has his/her own personality and quirks, the majority of domestic cats are extremely loving and caring. I have yet to meet a cat who didn't have some form of affection for those who take care of him/her.

In case you didn't know already, I absolutely adore cats. Right now, we have 12. It seems I cannot turn an animal in need away, therefore our cat family has grown. I have them neutered/spayed as soon as I can but being disabled with little to no income makes it tough.

 However, I am slowly but surely getting each one taken care of, so as not to add to the multitudes of cats on the planet whom no one wants. I would gladly take them all, if possible, but sadly it is not. No matter how many cats I have, each one is loved and cherished. I love each and every one of them, and they have their own little weirdness that is nothing short of adorable for the most part.

 Even now, when one of the furry babies are stepping on my laptop while typing, I still love them dearly. After all, they only want my attention, who can blame them?

My dream since being a child, was to have a giant animal farm, where I could take in all of the animals out there who don't have a loving home. I wouldn't care what type of animal it was; I would take them all. Without somehow winning the lottery or some other unrealistic event, I know this probably will never happen. I just feel bad that there are so many animals out there not taken care of, and so many people who have the means to help but don't. I know not everyone feels the way I do about the Earth's creatures, but still. Why buy a fancy jet when you can save hundreds of animals? Why go on expensive vacations when you could get shelters for animals living in the cold? If I ever became rich, that is what I would do. But for now, I am doing as much as I can to insure at least some of the creatures on this weary planet have a protector.

Not just cats are awesome though, every animal is AWESOME!

Books about Animals I Love: Signs From Pets in the Afterlife
                                                The Amazing Afterlife of Animals

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Funny Dog Costume Ideas

 The Top Funny Dog Costumes

It's almost Halloween, and if you are still seeking a funny dog costume this year, you are in the right place. I've looked through tons of funny dog costumes, and these really tickle my funny bone.

  • Dog Carrying Beer Keg- This is funny and adorable and will look good on just about any size dog, from Chihuahua to Mastiff. It is a good option if you and your pup are ready to party!

  • Killer Doll Dog Costume- Haven't you always dreamed of having a Good Guys Doll? Well, now you can have a Good Dog's Halloween costume for your pet. Your dog will look truly frightening and cute at the same time.

  • Dog Taco Costume- This dog costume idea is truly hilarious. Now, your dog can be your favorite pet and food at the same time. Sure to be a hit with the neighbors!

  • Bootique Beary Snuggle Costume- This has got to be the most precious costume ever! You can turn your pup into a snuggle bear this Halloween, and he will stay warm while trick-or treating. You will want to give lots of hugs to this fluffy bear.

  • Dog Spider Costume- If you want to go the really scary route, this Doggy Spider costume is it for sure. Completely terrifying and adorable, you will want to take lots of family pics with your dog spider this Halloween.
Whichever funny dog costume you choose; it is sure to create lasting Halloween memories of your favorite pets.

Why Do Some People Think of Black Cats as Unlucky?

 Why Do Black Cats Have the Stigma of Being Unlucky?

The reasons some people think black cats are unlucky are both preposterous and completely unfair! 

It seems black cats have gotten a bad rep for an extremely long time. During the Dark Ages for instance, people enjoyed throwing black cats in bonfires, on what they called "Christian" holidays, and black was supposed to be the incarnation of evil. During the Salem Witch Trials, black cats were permanently intertwined with witchcraft, creating another wrong connotation with beloved black cats. They were thought at the time to be familiars of witches, which were feared and hated.

Later, during the Labor Movement black was used to represent Anarchism, since it is the complete opposite of the white surrender flag. Yet another example of black cats being perceived in an entirely wrong light. It seems there is no end to what people can dream up when it comes to the black cat.

In more modern times, black cats continue to suffer simply due to the color of their fur, as they are half as likely to get adopted as cats with lighter colored fur. For those that love cats, especially black cats, this is something that makes zero sense. Anyone who has ever taken the time to know and love a black cat, would wholeheartedly disagree with the naysayers. Black cats have gotten an unlucky reputation throughout history, and the time to destroy these ridiculous myths is now. All cats, black cats included, are wonderful, lovely companions full of adoration and curiosity. Not to mention, they are intelligent, loving and much more loyal than they have been perceived over the years. So if you happen upon a black cat, consider yourself lucky and blessed.

If you are searching for Black Cat Halloween Costumes, check these out:Halloween Cat Costumes

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Five Ways to End Bad Doggy Breath for Good

 5 Step Ritual Eliminates Bad Doggy Breath

If you have a dog, you have most definitely noticed their bad doggy breath. It has been a fact of life for dog owners forever...until now. Finally, the natural solution to bad doggy breath is here. These five steps can help eliminate bad breath in dogs, and number 5 is the easiest and most powerful by far.

1. Brush Your Dog's Teeth: We have heard that regularly brushing a dog's teeth can help stop bad doggy breathe, right? However, for many pet parents, this is a chore that just isn't practical. Trying to get a dog to stay still while you poke and prod in his mouth is oftentimes an exercise in futility. Personally, my dog wanted nothing to do with a toothbrush, so it was a real struggle to even get the brush in his mouth! Then, he squirmed and bit at the obtrusive object and ran away. After trying a few times, I gave up. While I am sure Vets or groomers might do this for you, it can be rather expensive, and difficult to take them in when they need a tooth brushing. If you have found success with this method, you are awesome, and so are your dogs.

2.Dental Chews: There now exist tons of products you can give you dog like treats and bones which are supposed to help with bad doggy breath. While they may help a little, the treats or bones don't provide strong odor stopping relief and can be rather costly. In addition, they only last for a short time, if at all. I have tried many varieties of treats meant to freshens my dog's breath but have seen little results.

3. Water Additives: This is another area that has become saturated with products aimed to stop bad doggy breath. Just trying to sift through all of the offerings is enough to give you a headache, and for many dog owners, the products used are not powerful enough to really make a lasting difference. Although, I encountered some that helped a little, it never worked well, and/or my dog didn't like the taste of the water, so I had to dump it out, watching money go down the drain. After trying various formulas, including homemade ones, I gave up on this tactic as well.

4.Water and Parsley: It is reported that making sure your dog drinks lots of water and sprinkling parsley in his food can help with bad doggy breath as well. While my dogs always have pure, filtered water to drink, I have yet to try the parsley trick. I just don't envision my pups gulping down a load of parsley in their food and am skeptical it would do much if they did! By this stage, I was at my wit's end, and figured I would just have to live with bad doggy breath forever. One day, I was searching futilely for ways to end bad doggy breath and happened upon number five on the list. I didn't know it at the time, but I was about to end my search for bad dog breath remedies for good!

5. Fresh Breathies by Pup Labs: When I first saw this product, I was skeptical of course. I had tried tons of other products, and nothing worked the way I had hoped. However, I liked what I read about this natural product, so I decided to try ONE MORE TIME. I vowed that if this failed to produce results, I was done searching. I discovered that the root cause of bad doggy breath was likely digestive dysfunction, and the only real way to get rid of it was to fix my dog's microbiome. Don't worry, I didn't know what that was either at first. It turns out that by giving my dogs these natural chews, it helps to fix the problems with their digestion, thus ending bad doggy breath! While I still didn't understand exactly how they worked, I had a gut feeling that this product was different than all the others. As it so happens, I was 100% correct. 

After ordering and trying this product for a few days, I could already tell the difference. It helps with more than breath as well. It can help with fur shedding, joint problems, and digestive issues like diarrhea. Give it a try today, and finally stop bad doggy breath for good! You can find more info at Try Fresh Breathies!

Friday, October 14, 2022

Top 5 Cheap Halloween Costume Ideas for Pets Under $20.00

 Why should humans get all the fun on Halloween? You can find fun(and cheap), pet costumes, so your dog or cat can get in on all the scares and treats. Five of the top cheap Halloween costumes for pets without breaking the bank:

  • Cowboy Rider Dog Costume- We animal lovers already know that pets are heroes, so why not let the world know too? At Amazon, they're less than $13! There is no better time to show everyone how much fun your dog can be.

  • Bat Wings for Cats- Cats are amazing creatures, but they can't fly, can they? Leave your guests wondering with these adorable bat wings for cats. Besides cats, they also have bat wings for dogs and puppies too! Cat costume bat wings are only $5.59 and up with Prime.

  • UPS Dog Costume- Everyone knows how much dogs love to bark and chase UPS drivers, and now they can be their favorite delivery person for Halloween. This top cheap costume is another favorite for under $20.

  • Lion's Mane Dog Costume- This adorable costume for dogs is one of the most popular you will find. Who wouldn't want their dog to be dressed as a ferocious lion for Halloween? This top5 cheap Halloween costume is less than $15! Now that is something to roar about! Lion's Mane Dog Costume.

  • Cat Vampire Halloween Costume for Cats- Adorable doesn't come close to describing this top cheap Halloween costume for cats. Dress your furry feline up as the world's cutest vampire this Halloween and do it with savings! This nifty cat costume is only $15.29 with Prime. Order fast before they are all gone!
Whatever you decide for your pet this Halloween, be glad you found the top 5 cheap Halloween costume ideas for pets under $20.00.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Finding the Best Spot for the Litter Box

Although some cats will use the litter box regardless of where you place it, just so that they can somehow reach it, other cats will balk at using an inappropriately positioned box. Choosing a good place for the litter box means that there will be less chance that you will find wet spots on the rug or 'worse' behind the sofa. Cats are clean animals and will use their box if it is convenient and accessible.

Think Like a Cat

Cats not only need a litter box filled with dry, clean, loose litter to dig in, they also need a place where they feel comfortable. The placement of the litter box should be for your cat's convenience, not necessarily yours. And, ultimately, a litter box that is used consistently by your cat will be the most convenient for you, regardless of where it's located.

Do not position your cat's litter box next to his or her food and water dishes. Nobody enjoys eating in a toilet.

Cats, like people, enjoy a bit of privacy when going to the bathroom. Don't place the litter box so far from the center of activities that it will be difficult to use but do put it a bit off the beaten path.

The litter box should be in a lighted area so that the cat feels safer using it. Don't put the box in a dark basement filled with clutter; the cat will be afraid that it might be attacked when using the box.

Make sure that use of the litter box doesn't require you to open a door for the cat - there should be free access to the box at all times.

Once you and your cat have found the right place for the litter box, leave it there. If you find that it must be moved, do this gradually by shifting the position of the box a little each day.

Multi-cat households should also provide multiple litter boxes. It's also a good idea to keep the boxes separated from one another. There should also be an extra box in case one of the regular ones is soiled or otherwise inaccessible.

If you have a house with several stories, it's a good idea to have a litter box available on each floor. There will be less chance of an accident if your cat doesn't have to travel a long distance to use the box.

Learn More on My Animal Lovers United Blog

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